The most effective product was MPS ointment with an inhibition of 69%. The effects of heparin ointments varied widely. She put so many candies into her pocket that it bulged out. 最有效的产品是多磺酸粘多糖软膏,其抑制率为69%。她往口袋里放了许多糖块,使口袋胀得鼓鼓的。
It has been found that the coupling process is more effective for elminating the product noncompetitive inhibition compared with the competitive one. 结果表明,该耦合过程对产物非竞争性抑制的消除效果要优于竞争性抑制。
A kinetics model was developed for predicting and simulating immobilized cellulase performance, which follows Michaelis_Menten kinetics with competitive product inhibition. 建立了固定化纤维素酶的反应动力学模型,该模型以米氏方程为基础并考虑了产物竞争性抑制的影响。
Objective To investigate the reliability of the integrated method for kinetic assay of substrate in the presence of product inhibition using glutathione-S-transferase ( GST) as model. 目的以谷胱甘肽-S-转硫酶(GST)为模型,探讨有产物抑制时用积分法分析酶反应过程测定底物量的可靠性。
In view of different alcohol-producing raw materials and various production techniques, active dry yeast of stronger adaptability and higher fermenting concentration were required, and yeast sensitivity to temperature, osmotic pressure, product and substrate inhibition became lower. 针对酒精生产原料的变化,酒精生产工艺的不同,酿酒活性干酵母的适应性和发酵浓度将会提高;酵母对温度、渗透压以及对产物、底物的抑制的敏感度将降低;
In order to overcome the product inhibition and to facilitate the product recovery from the aqueous organic emulsion containing substrate and lipase, a hydrophilic porous semipermeable membrane has been applied in the stirring tank reactor. 为了利于从水-有机溶剂乳化体系中分离产物和克服产物抑制,将亲水半透膜引入搅拌罐反应器,在该膜反应器中进行动态拆分反应。
Product Inhibition of Hydrolysates to Cellulase of Trichoderma viride A10 纤维素水解产物对木霉A10纤维素酶的抑制作用
Extractive fermentation is an effective method to overcome the product inhibition in the fermentation process and increase the yield and the conversion rate. 萃取发酵是解决发酵过程中的产物抑制,提高产率及转化率的有效手段。
There is product inhibition in the bioconversion from isoeugenol to vanillin by crude enzyme extracted from soybean. 大豆脂氧合酶粗酶转化异丁香酚制备香草醛的过程中存在产物抑制酶转化现象,吸附剂HD?
Experiment of addition of substrate in a batch reaction showed fresh substrate can be added to increase the extent of solubilization and better utilization of the enzyme, and it also suggested immobilized-enzyme recycle system can decrease product inhibition to enzyme activity. 补加底物的增溶说明了反应体系中有大量溶解的游离态酶没有得到充分利用,同时提示可以用固定化酶的方法来减少产物(低分子量肽段)对酶活力的抑制;
The effects of competitive product inhibition are shown to increase the substrate concentration in the carrier, and, additionally, to increase the effectiveness factors slightly. 产物竞争性抑制的存在将增加载体颗粒内的底物浓度,对效率因子的影响较小。
A model considering both product inhibition and solid-liquid equilibrium of substrate and product was proposed to describe the batch dehydrogenation process. The simulated model curves are in good agreement with the experimental data. 考虑底物及产物的固液平衡以及产物抑制,建立了相应的动力学模型,并对不同初始底物质量浓度下的格氏物间歇脱氢反应过程曲线进行了拟合,模型计算值与实验值吻合较好。
For synthesis PHPMA product, its scale inhibition properties was experimentally investigated in different dosage of agent, value of PH, and concentration of calcium ion. 考察了合成的PHPMA产品在不同的药剂用量、PH值、钙离子浓度等条件下的阻垢性能。
By analyzing the thermograms of these reactions, this model can be conveniently used to calculate both kinetic parameters ( Km, Ki and Vm) and molar enthalpy(Δ rHm), and to establish the type of product inhibition simultaneously. 根据此模型,可由反应的热谱曲线方便地解析出动力学参数(Km,Ki和Vm)和摩尔反应焓(△rHm),并同时确定产物的抑制类型。
The results showed that the extractive fermentation could reduce the product inhibition on microbes, increase the initial glucose concentration, and increase the fermentation rate. 结果表明,萃取发酵可以减轻产物对微生物的抑制作用,提高初始底物浓度,增加发酵速率。
Taking into account the effects of competitive product inhibition, inner diffusional limitation, substrate concentration and carrier size, the substrate distribution and the product distribution in carriers were investigated, and the effectiveness factors were also calculated over a wide range of parameters. 在此模型的基础上进行模拟,系统研究了产物竞争性抑制、内扩散限制、溶液中的宏观底物浓度、载体大小等因素对球形载体内部的底物、产物浓度分布和效率因子的影响。
Results showed that the product had stronger corrosion inhibition and could be used as an organic inhibitor for ferrous metal in the aqueous solution. 结果表明,该合成物在水溶液中对钢铁有较强的缓蚀性能,可用作水溶液中黑色金属的有机缓蚀剂。
Taking into account the substrate inhibition, product inhibition and enzyme inactivation, a simplified kinetic model was established. The regressive results indicated that the average relative error was 6.21%. 建立了考虑酶一级热失活、底物反竞争性抑制和产物竞争性抑制三方面因素共同影响的本征反应动力学模型,经实验拟合平均相对误差为6.21%。
Kinetics of single-substrate enzyme-catalyzed reactions in batch reactor ( BR) using thermokinetic method were investigated, and the influence of product competitive inhibition on these models was discussed in details. 用热动力学法研究了间歇反应器中单底物酶促反应动力学,并详细讨论了产物竞争性抑制作用对反应速率的影响。
Support polar, water content, the logP value of organic phase and product inhibition effected the activity of immobilized enzyme. According to these reaction conditions, a low aqueous organic biphase system for the continuous production of ( S) (+) Naproxen was developed. 固定化酶活性受载体极性、水含量、有机溶剂的logP值、产物抑制的影响,据此构建了一种可以连续拆分产生(S)(+)萘普生的微水有机溶剂两相体系。
Many studies indicated that poor solubility of sterols, limited mass transfer, substrate toxicity, product inhibition, and product degradation are bottlenecks that seriously limit the industrial application of the transformation process of sterols to androstenone. 众多研究表明:底物甾醇水溶性低、传质差、底物毒害、产物抑制以及产物降解等问题,是影响该工艺路线推广应用的重要瓶颈。
In order to explore the reasons, we research from three aspects, the stability of the enzyme, product inhibition and substrate changes, Respectively. 分别从酶的稳定性、产物抑制和底物变化三个方面探索了原因。
During the production process of biofuel by fermentation, the butanol in dilute solution should be recovered to lower the product inhibition and ensure the continuous fermentation. 在发酵制备生物燃料的过程中,需将发酵液中低浓度的丁醇分离出来,以降低产物抑制作用保证发酵连续进行。
The model of cotton-induced rat granuloma. The results showed that product inhibition of granuloma was significant ( P0.01). 3. 在大鼠体内放入棉球致使慢性刺激产生肉芽肿,结果显示,产品对肉芽肿的抑制具有显著性(P0.01)。3.大鼠胸膜炎模型。
To avert some nonlinear influence caused by composition of cellulose material and product inhibition, an equivalent hydrolysis time, which is proportional to reaction rate constant, was used io express enzyme reaction rate. 并提出了以与反应速度常数成比例的当量水解时间表示酶反应速度的方法,以解决因纤维素结构和产物抑制引起的非线性行为。